Emmanuel Baptist Church, Falmouth

Matthew Series: Chapter 23 - Burdens - Darren Bovis-Coulter

Emmanuel Baptist Church

Throughout this year we have been exploring a "Systematic, Thematic
Synthesis of Matthew".

You can also find the videos of these talks on our YouTube playlist.

The strapline for this series is: 
"Remoulding ‘Good Stewards’ And ‘Faithful Servants’ into Faith-Filled Catalysts: Transforming our families, churches, workplaces and communities through the Power of Christ's Love."

We continue this series in chapter 23, titled "Burdens".

Other Bible verses that were referred to were:

Matthew 22:46
Exodus 18:13
Matthew 11:30
Matthew 22:9
Revelation 1:6
1 Peter 2:5 & 2:9
Luke 17:32-33
Luke 9:62
2 Corinthians 5:7